NP20 6 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

NP20 6 is a postcode sector in Newport, UK. Below is a complete list of NP20 6 Postcodes (Active). NP20 6 postcode sector comprises of 166 active postcodes. NP20 6 sector has a population of 8097, and it has 3402 properties in the region.

Browse Information On NP20 6 postcode sector

NP20 6 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 8097
Addresses / Property Count 3402
Active Postcodes 166
Nearby Postcode Districts 23
Nearby Postcode Sectors 7

View Map Of NP20 6 Postcode Sector

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showing 0-50 of 166 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
NP20 6AA 51.60674700 -3.00955900 18 43 330183 190251
NP20 6AD 51.61624700 -3.01421900 N/A N/A 329875 191312
NP20 6EP 51.60779800 -3.00862900 N/A N/A 330249 190367
NP20 6EQ 51.60780000 -3.00946700 35 74 330191 190368
NP20 6ER 51.60856600 -3.00931100 17 45 330203 190453
NP20 6ES 51.60875500 -3.00824600 16 27 330277 190473
NP20 6ET 51.60933200 -3.00911100 26 62 330218 190538
NP20 6EU 51.60944600 -3.01045700 22 52 330125 190552
NP20 6EW 51.61015100 -3.00794500 19 47 330300 190628
NP20 6EX 51.61116600 -3.00698600 31 65 330368 190740
NP20 6EY 51.61096500 -3.00631700 30 76 330414 190717
NP20 6EZ 51.61172300 -3.00601600 10 22 330436 190801
NP20 6FA 51.61149500 -3.00749800 11 30 330333 190777
NP20 6FB 51.61208400 -3.00898400 34 86 330231 190844
NP20 6FD 51.61276100 -3.00871100 15 39 330251 190919
NP20 6FE 51.61234200 -3.00727100 10 28 330350 190871
NP20 6FF 51.61320400 -3.00736300 14 39 330345 190967
NP20 6FG 51.61257800 -3.00700200 18 45 330369 190897
NP20 6FH 51.61353400 -3.00868400 14 36 330254 191005
NP20 6FJ 51.61374000 -3.00783700 6 12 330313 191027
NP20 6FL 51.61331400 -3.00918500 8 19 330219 190981
NP20 6FN 51.61427800 -3.00792100 14 41 330308 191087
NP20 6FP 51.61411500 -3.00915900 5 15 330222 191070
NP20 6FQ 51.61306700 -3.01079700 8 27 330107 190955
NP20 6FR 51.61330600 -3.01116300 39 102 330082 190982
NP20 6FS 51.61265900 -3.01116300 14 45 330081 190910
NP20 6FT 51.61198800 -3.01283800 10 26 329964 190837
NP20 6FU 51.61241600 -3.01435000 6 13 329860 190886
NP20 6FW 51.61257300 -3.01383300 6 20 329896 190903
NP20 6FX 51.61276500 -3.01346200 5 14 329922 190924
NP20 6FY 51.61233100 -3.01268700 9 23 329975 190875
NP20 6FZ 51.61323300 -3.01237500 14 29 329998 190975
NP20 6GA 51.60986700 -3.00756300 N/A N/A 330326 190596
NP20 6GB 51.61177200 -3.00873200 5 7 330248 190809
NP20 6GP 51.60306600 -3.00690700 15 41 330361 189839
NP20 6GQ 51.60516700 -3.00825300 14 37 330271 190074
NP20 6GR 51.60616900 -3.00677400 22 52 330375 190184
NP20 6GS 51.60793600 -3.00730400 15 39 330341 190381
NP20 6GT 51.60920300 -3.00624900 21 51 330416 190521
NP20 6GU 51.60898100 -3.00594100 29 71 330437 190496
NP20 6GW 51.60849600 -3.00487600 24 53 330510 190441
NP20 6GX 51.60821100 -3.00354100 32 90 330602 190408
NP20 6GY 51.60806600 -3.00258500 34 97 330668 190391
NP20 6GZ 51.60937700 -3.00493900 18 45 330507 190539
NP20 6HA 51.60898600 -3.00326900 29 71 330622 190494
NP20 6HB 51.60805800 -3.00566000 16 46 330455 190393
NP20 6HD 51.60749800 -3.00381400 29 71 330582 190329
NP20 6HE 51.60749900 -3.00686100 38 93 330371 190332
NP20 6HF 51.60699100 -3.00625800 44 113 330412 190275
NP20 6HG 51.60692400 -3.00469700 32 93 330520 190266
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